Monday, July 25, 2011

New York Times Photo Blog

Today was special. I learned that images from my ongoing project Lakewood: Portraits of a Sacred American Suburb had been posted on the New York Times Photography Blog. This is a result of my interview with James Estrin, staff photographer for the New York Times and co-creator of Lens the New York Times Photo Blog, at Santa Fe Review in early June. It just goes to show you work hard at something and stick to it good things eventually happen. This business is all about consistency and persistence, simple as that. Oh, I would also like to thank Kim Nowacki who did the interview and wrote the article accompanying the images. I think she did a fine job.
Cheers All.


  1. Wow, it's really great work! I like such unusual series, and on I've seen documental movie about suburbs, it is also interesting

  2. Congratulations Tom, I am so happy for you, this is fantastic.

  3. Congrats again, Tom! And thanks for the reminder about consistency and persistence. :)
